I’M Wayne Lyons II

Ambassador of Peace and Love

Expert Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path

Access to thousands of leads

We can help you and build your own home based business, manage your time, and develop healthy life habits to sustain your business as a high performing CEO...More importantly, we can help you with the start you need by getting you access to thousands of qualified leads.

Health and Wellness

Are you interested in changing your body and your bank all while working from home? Total Life Changes is the solution!

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

We would like to help you build the brand called "YOU"! Together we can, and united we will, build heaven on earth.

Get your official 800 office number

Get your local office space

Become the leader in your industry

Achieve all your dreams

Goal Setting

We all become whatever we constantly think. Lets make some clear goals and help you become exactly who you desire to become.

Relationship Coaching

Your reputation is more valuable than any money or material things you can acquire. Become wealthy through social capital.

Stress Management

Master your life by gaining control of all the dimensions of life, plus gaining control of your time.

Career Advice

Live the life you dream and make your lifestyle your business.

What Is Life Coaching?

Who is Coaching For?

Here with Mastermind Consulting Group, we focus on each individual who have decided to take charge of their life and make a change for the better. We take students and turn them into leaders. Take leaders and turn them into entrepreneurs. Take entrepreneurs and turn them into successful business owners. Take successful business owners and turn them into moguls. Take moguls and celebrate excellence and give glory to God.

Own your own company and set your own work hours.

Maximize your income earning potential.

Master all the phases of life; Mental,Physical,Spiritual,Emotional

Cultivate all your relationships into income earning clientele.

Create the time and financial freedom you desire.

About Me

Growing up in Fort Lauderdale Florida, Wayne Lyons II was driven to succeed in both academics and sports. He graduated from Dillard High school as the valedictorian with a 4.8 GPA and over 50 full ride football scholarship offers. Wayne chose to attend Stanford University where he studied Architectural Design and graduated in four years with a Bachelor’s of science and arts in the engineering department. He chose to utilize his fifth year of college eligibility and play football for the University of Michigan as a graduate transfer student. At the University of Michigan, He chose to pursue a master's degree in the school of social work. After only two years, he was able to graduate from the University of Michigan with a masters of social work degree. Wayne Lyons II have since then, created a nonprofit organization that focuses on mentoring and tutoring young students to enable them to become the best citizens and students possible. The name of the nonprofit is Empire For The Youth (EFTY). Wayne is currently traveling and networking to connect with companies, nonprofits and for profits, to build an alliance between all people working towards a positive goal to enhance and empower many communities across the globe.


“Very driven and dedicated towards helping others achieve their goals!" Highly recommended

“Always have a great attitude and such an honor and pleasure to work with”

Definitely gets my vote

“The entire process has been full of peace and love.”

Very enjoyable

Online Coaching Resources

Servant Leadership eBook

Read the E book on the 12 keys to succeed as a servant leader; "EFTY- The Power Of Believing"

Timeless Motivation

It is often hard to achieve your goals if you lack the motivation and inspiration to go out everyday to accomplish what you set out for.

3 Week Career/Writing Workshop

Learn to perfect your writing skills and apply them to your leisure writing, goal setting, and business operation development.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Let's start with a 30 day, 60 day, 90 day challenge that will put the power of focus into your hands and allow you to write down, make clear, and accomplish whatever S.M.A.R.T. Goals you would like to accomplish. We have a team of experts who can help you in this process of creating your Specific. Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely goals.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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